Home » NED M: Good chance for Landstede

NED M: Good chance for Landstede

by WoV
source: volleybalkrant.nl

Landstede Volleyball is on the verge of the most important game this season. On home ground tomorrow with rival Abiant Lycurgus Landstede will play for the national title. The tension rises and the public and the media are focused on the tomorrow's match. This and other volleyball news read on Worldofvolley.com.



Landstede find time these weeks not only to strengths base formation in the field, but also the obligations of the field. “In the Volleyball Newspaper we show that we have a good volleyball platform. Both Landstede and Volleyball Newspaper working on development of the volleyball in the Netherlands said Ronny Veldhuis, responsible for communications at the club.

Since 2001, the Group Landstede is associated with the basketball and volleyball league in Zwolle. Group Landstede inspires learning environment for students.

In sports and in particular team sports, all five values which the Landstede organization reflects: talent, encounter, sense of purpose, respect and responsibility. From different schools Landstede students do such valuable practical experience during and around the matches. Thus students include sport, hospitality, tourism, creative, commercial and training security guards involved in the organization.

Two years ago the Landstede Sports Centre is opened. The sports center is for multifunctional use and has a high occupancy rate. Besides using the sports education, the center regularly booked for events such as national and international sports competitions and tournaments. In the evenings and weekends the center is used by amateur from Zwolle and the region. The entrance building have in recent years various sports-related businesses and organizations, including the Sports Medical Center of the Isala Clinics, the Professional Football Coaches.

For an organization like Landstede, among other professional care, the contacts with industry, and so the practice is essential. The Business Club is ideal place for the new relationship network. Executives and managers from Landstede are therefore during special business meetings. Some 85 companies are members of the Business Club and therefore sponsor of both teams. Athletes, education, entrepreneurs and network organizations meet each other and work together for success.

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