Here is the list of the players:
Setters: Michał Masny, Juraj Zaťko, Filip Palgut, Daniel Koncal.
Opposites: Milos Horník, Peter Michalovic, Lubos Kostolani, Milan Bencz.
Middle blockers: Emanuel Kohut, Simon Krajcovic, Peter Ondrovic, Radoslav Presinsky, Jozef Piovarci.
Receivers: Martin Sopko, Matej Patak, Frantisek Ogurcak, Stefan Chrtiansky, Tomas Krisko, Marcel Lux, Peter Janusek, Tomas Halanda.
Liberos: Matej Kubs, Lubos Nemec, Martin Vydareny, Marian Vitko.
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