Home » Major volleyball teams in London! Skra, Friedrichshafen, Cannes, Schweriner…

Major volleyball teams in London! Skra, Friedrichshafen, Cannes, Schweriner…

by WoV
source: Photo: cev.lu

London has been waiting for this since the Olympic Games 2012. The capital of England will gather some of the best volleyball teams from Europe…



Volleyball weekend in London. A brand new friendly tournament is scheduled for September 12-13 and it will be called – London Legacy Cup.

There will be men’s and women’s tournament, while some of the major European teams confirmed participation. These are the names of the clubs which will play on the men’s tournament – PGE Skra Belchatow, VfB Friedrichshafen, Team Northumbria and IBB Polonia London.

On the other side, women’s tournament will include following teams – RC Cannes, Schweriner SC, Team Northumbria and Polonia Sideout London.

No doubt that both tournaments will bring some top level volleyball.     

Here is the official website of the London Legacy Cup where you can find more information about the event. 


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