Home » Spike on the run! Choi, are you basketball or volleyball player? (VIDEO)

Spike on the run! Choi, are you basketball or volleyball player? (VIDEO)

by WoV
source: youtube.com/spotv

Korean Air Jumbos are alone at the top of the standings in Korean V-League with 3-0 score.

In Round 3, they defeated Hyundai Capital Skywalkers and caused the first defeat to the opponents so far in the national championship.

One of the reasons why Jumbos lead in V-League is a clever attack. If their players can’t finish with an ordinary spike, they will find a different solution, just like Choi Hong-Suk.

It seems like Jumbos outside hitter watched some basketball match before getting out on the court. Choi spiked while taking two steps. Smooth!

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koo October 19, 2015 - 5:28 am

His name was Sim hong-suk!!!!!


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