Jan Stokr
KEPCO defeated KB Stars in four sets but the first two were more than interesting. They were finished after long battle.
The Czech opposite Jan Štokr with 31 points was the most efficient player of Vixtorm and in total in the match.
Martin Nemec finished this match with 27 points for KB Stars Lig Greaters who have 1-10 win-loss ratio.
Game | Date/Time | Teams | Set | Result per set | Stats | Videos | ||
21. 11. 2015 14:00 | KB Insurance Stars VC | vs | KEPCO Vixtorm | 1:3 |
35-33, 28-30, 15-25, 16-25 |
22. 11. 2015 14:00 | Ansan OK SavingsBank Rush&Cash VC | vs | Hyundai Capital Skywalkers | 0:0 | ||||
23. 11. 2015 19:00 | Korean Air Jumbos | vs | Samsung Bluefangs | 0:0 |
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