Home » ROU W: San Diego graduate, a little girl’s life-saver, joins Romanian champions

ROU W: San Diego graduate, a little girl’s life-saver, joins Romanian champions

by WoV
source: ziarulunirea.ro, usdtoreros.com, sandiegouniontribune.com; Photo: usdtoreros.com

A 22-year-old German-born middle blocker Lisa Kramer started her first professional volleyball experience.



The University of San Diego graduate Lisa Kramer, who finished her senior year in 2016, has signed her first professional contract. She joined Romanian Women’s Volleyball title holders Alba Blaj.

Kramer, who has dual German and U.S. citizenship, made 137 kills (4.21 per set) and 34 blocks (0.37 per set) in NCAA as a senior with San Diego.

She is also well-known by saving a life to a child in a shopping center “Fashion Valley” in San Diego, in April 2016. While waiting for a job interview upon graduation, Kramer heard a woman calling someone who knows to do CPR to revive a little girl who was lying down with her limps hanging. And Kramer did it! She learned to perform CPR while working with children at summer camps during her collegiate career.

Interestingly, the athlete was turned down by the athletic apparel retailer “Lululemon”, where she held above mentioned job interview, but now she has found new one – in Romania. And in her area of expertise – volleyball!


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