„I believe that if a person does not come to the gathering of the national team – it is not a loss. He who wanted, showed up and started to work. It is necessary to wait for the next presidium of the Federation which has the right to decide anything (about the penalty for failing to show up). On the moment I do not want to talk about any kind of punishment,“ said Stanislav Shevchenko, the head of the Russian VF.
„My opinion – he had betrayed the guys, he is a traitor. Other guys came despite the fact that they have their own problems, they also have families. I don’t know what might happen to a person to decide not to arrive. It is necessary to ask Muserskiy,“ Shevchenko was furious.
Read about the reason why Muserksiy canceled to participate in preparations of the Russia’s NT.
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‘Betray the children’ – translation from Russian very poor.
I can not believe that Dima is a ‘traitor’- very interested about further development..
He was good when he played and won gold…