Home » POLISH MEDIA: Markin likely to avoid any penalty!

POLISH MEDIA: Markin likely to avoid any penalty!

by WoV
source: sportowefakty.wp.pl

The final decision should be made within a week.



WorldofVolley has already written about the possibility that Alexander Markin might not be punished for using meldoinum, while now the same info comes from Poland!

Sportowefakty.pl, writes that the Russian player is likely to avoid any suspension, despite he was tested positive on doping test! This is the explanation:

Alexander Markin had 300 nanograms of meldonium in his body when he was tested during the European World Qualifier and according to WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency) that is an acceptable amount! It is also said that WADA will only prosecute players who had more than one microgram of meldonium in their bodies while being tested, and also the players who consumed meldonium after January 1st.

Recall that Markin will have a hearing in front of the FIVB on April 19.


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true sport April 14, 2016 - 1:29 am

This is not an acceptable amount. It should be zero and not 300 nanogramms. Markin is not a sportdman and the result of the russian nationalteam bases on a lie : doping!


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