Sergey Tetyukhin
“It’s a good moment now to raise interest in our sport. Success in the continental championship is a breath of air for Russia. We needed it. I hope that this will attract some people to invest in volleyball. What do we need to do right now? First, volleyball needs to be shown on TV. Without this, we will have a difficult task. The federation should pay more attention to the regions. We need to help those clubs which are in difficult position, not to let them disappear. The Federation should popularize the sport, to work with the youth. We have a team of champions. We need to send them to these regions, to show them to the children who want to be equal to them. None of our guys won’t say no to this. A good example is Poland, where volleyball is a national sport. We need to strive for this. Russia was a volleyball power and will remain,” says Tetyukhin.
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