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Wov on Gloria Cup: Rykhliuk and Volero downed Azeryol

by WoV

Swiss team scored the second win on the Gloria Cup 2015, while Azeryol suffered another defeat.

Volero vs. Azeryol

Volero vs. Azeryol

Volero Azeryol 3-1 (25:23, 22:25, 25:18, 25:19)

VoleroNyukhalova 1, Unternahrer Ninkovic 11, Rabadzhieva 11, Rykhliuk 19, Popovic, Mammadova 13,Hagglund, Perez 10, Thompson 4, Granvorka, Hartong, Kupriianova 6, Grbac .

AzeryolDurrPoznyak 7, KurtBayramova 12, Brakocevic 19, Kitipova 6, PicussaLoveNikolic 10, Zhidkova , Aliyeva 1, Filipova 10.

And Ninkovic scores an ace for 25:19. olero won this!

But. Ninkovic gives five match balls for Volero – 24:19.

Azeryol approaches to 23:19.

Rabadzhieva scores an ace – 23:17.

Rykhliuk increases the lead of Volero to 22:17. Time out Azeryol.

Ninkovic with great spike – 21:17.

Two points in a row for Volero – 20:16. But, Filipova  scores for 20:17.

Nobody saw the ball – Brakocevic reduces the gap to 18:16.

This time Rykhliuk was better than Bayramova – 18:15.

Bayramova blocks Rykhliuk – 17:15.

Time out Volero.

But, Brakocevic scores an ace – 17:13. Mistake of Volero – 17:14!

Kupriianova again – 17:11. Volero really close to take a win here.

Poznyak missed the service – 16:11 for Volero. 

Thompson with an ace – 15:10.

Kupriianova entered the game and scored a point – 13:9.

Bayramova makes a mistake and then Rabadzhieva scores an ace – 11:8 for the Swiss team.

Now Nikolic blocks Ninkovic – only 9:8 for Volero. 

Kitipova with block – 9:7.

Rykhliuk makes another kill, Volero has the lead 8:4 at the first TTO.

And then a mistake of Volero players – 4:3.

Brakocevic with good block brings Azeryol to 4:2.

Rykhliuk blocks Bayramova – 4:0.

Strong opening of Volero. Rykhliuk scores and it’s 3:0 for the Swiss team.

4th Set


And Rabadzhieva finished the set – 25:18 for Volero. Swiss team leads 2-1 in sets.

Volero leads 24:18!

Thompson with great serve – 22:17. Time out Azeryol.

You just can’t stop Rykhliuk today – 21:17.

Rykhliuk adds one more point – 20:16 for Volero. 

But, Mammadova nails the ball in the side of Azeryol – 19:16.

Azeryol answers with two points – 18:16.

Ace by Rabadzhieva – 18:14.

Again! Mammadova blocks Filipova and it’s 17:14 for Volero. Time out Azeryol.

Mammadova blocks Filipova – 16:14 for Volero.

Ufff that hurts… Ninkovic right in the face of Durr – 14:14.

It is hard to stop Rykhliuk today 12:12. But, Filipova returns the leaf to Azeryol 13:12.

Volero has tied the game – 11:11.

Brakocevic blocked – 10:9.

Bayramova misses a counterattack – 10:8.

Azeryol – Volero 9:7.

Kitipova blocks Rabadzhieva – 8:5.

Brakocevic with two strong kills – 7:5 for Azeryol.

Rabadzhieva gets another ball in the head. This time directly from the block of Brakocevic – 5:3 for Azeryol.

Ace by Nikolic – 2:2.

3rd Set

But Bayramova ends it with a strong spike – 25:22 for Azeryol.

Brakocevic sends the ball into out – 24:22.

Mammadova saves the first one – 24:21.

And another one for Azeryol – 24:20. Four set balls.

Lucky ace by Aliyeva – 23:20. From top of the net.

Bayramova with a perfect diagonal – 22:20.

Mammadova – over the block into the court – 21:20.

Ninkovic misses the serve 21:19.

And it’s Mammadova‘s turn! Only 20:19 for Azeryol.

But, Volero continues – Rykhliuk makes a point for 20:18.

Brakocevic was blocked – 20:17 for the Azerbaijani team. Time out Azeryol.

Another fantastic rally! Lenka Durr was amazing and saved everything for Azeryol which won the point – 20:16.

Ninkovic scores, but it’s still 19:15 for Azeryol.

Filipova! And Azeryol goes on +5, 18:13. Time out Volero.

Ufffff, Perez serves right in the head of Rabadzhieva – 16:12 for Azeryol.

And now Poznyak blocks Mammadova – 14:9 for Azeryol.

Rykhliuk makes the same mistake – 13:9.

Mammadova sends the ball into out – 12:9.

Poznyak better than Thompson on the net – 11:9 for Azeryol. Time out Volero.

Kitipova with an ace, and then Poznyak with the block – 9:8 for Azeryol!

Rykhliuk brings the two-point lead to the Swiss team – 8:6.

Point for point – 7:6 for Volero.

Filipova ties the game again at 4:4.

But, Perez answers with sike and block – 3:2 for Volero.

Filipova blocks Perez – 2:1 for Azeryol.

2nd Set

But, Bayramova misses the serve just for a bit. Volero wins the set 25:23.

Guess who scored? Bayramova – 24:23.

Brakocevic misses the serve – 24:22 for Volero. 

Bayramova is the main girl in these moments. She decreases the gap to 23:22. Time out Volero.

Bayramova then touches the top of the net – 23:21.

No stop for Bayramova though – 22:21.

But, Perez now blocks Brakocevic – 22:20 for Volero.

Rally of the game!!! Many saves, many spikes, eventually Brakocevic scores – 21:20.

Mammadova with important block on Nikolic – 21:19 for Volero. Time out Azeryol.

Perez corrects her previous mistake – 20:19 for Volero.

Time out Volero.

Again Poznyak! She blocks Rykhliuk now 19:18. And then Perez spikes into out – 19:19!

Poznyak blocks Mammadova – 19:17.

Volero players touched the top pf the net while blocking – Azeryol approaches on 19:16.

Smart move by Kitipova – 18:14.

Ace by Bayramova – 17:13.

Volero – Azeryol 17:12.

With Thompson as a setter, Volero is almost perfect in attacking plays.

Thompson for Perez and it is 16:10 for the Swiss team.

Brakocevic misses the spike – 15:9 for Volero.

Nikolic breaks the streak of Volero with a strong kill – 12:8.

And now mammadova – 12:7!

Rykhliuk did not play yesterday, but is now dominating. Her spike gives Volero 11:7 lead. Azeryol time out.

Rabadzhieva adds an excellent spike – Volero up ahead by 3, 8:5.

But, Rabadzhieva now blocks Brakocevic – 6:4 for Volero.

So far, both teams are great in attack. Brakocevic spikes for 4:4.

Volero has the opening lead – 3:2

1st Set

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