This time the club has joined – via its official calendar – a project worked out by the local authorities and whose aim is to stimulate people to adopt a healthy life style, which may result also from riding a bicycle, a very cheap but also environmental-friendly way to move around the city.
The players of Tauron MKS turned into role models for one day as they were all involved in an ad-hoc photo session. “I can’t remember much from that session because the photos were all taken early in the morning and I was very sleepy” jokes Tauron MKS middle blocker Maja Tokarska.
Questioned by their fans about what they would like to receive as Christmas present, the players did also reveal their dreams. “I definitely would love to win the last match of the year, and possibly in straight sets” said Natalia Nuszel referring to the clash with Atom Trefl SOPOT scheduled for this coming December 22.
As the local Volleyball fans got together at “Sportowy” pub, they also enjoyed the opportunity to win copies of the calendar by joining special quizzes where they were invited to answer questions about the city of Dabrowa Gornicza and the club. “Questions were not that easy but our fans did show their great knowledge of the club. I hope we can turn this kind of meetings into something we stage more regularly” stresses Tauron MKS Press Officer, Michal Swarlik.
For more fun volleyball news click here.
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