Home » KOR W: Embarrassing behavior of Hi-pass players, Bryan leaves after being totally ignored on court

KOR W: Embarrassing behavior of Hi-pass players, Bryan leaves after being totally ignored on court

by WoV

The U.S. player Kennedy Brian had to leave the team Expressway Hi-pass, after being ignored on the court by her teammates.

After scoring a point, it is normal to gather and celebrate a point together, but that was not a case with Kennedy Brian. It started during the game against KGC on 26th November. When U.S. player scores a point, her teammates just run away from her, not giving a high five touch… It was not the only thing.

The setter of the team was avoiding her all the time and if you watch the game everything will be clear for you.

We have the video of this game. To see these awkward situations, watch the video below. First situation is at 1:35:15. You have to watch it on YouTube.

Another weird sitations are at 1:39:34, 1:40;24 and 1:50:15…

Some rumors say that Korean players were not satistifed with her skills and decided to ignore her.


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zentro29 December 20, 2016 - 11:13 am

They’ve(Korean players from different teams) been doing that running away thingy as a celebration of getting a point… But Bryan have had hard time adjusting in the Korean League. Plus she also under performed.

Fabio December 20, 2016 - 4:09 pm

Guys, I dont see them ignoring her. Some Asian teams just celebrate with running around on the rotation, and looks her Kennedy doesnt know how to run in the circle. And the camera does not know the whole thing from above, I dont think the setter ignored her, she was just going on a different direction and seams like she reached her hands to Kennedy.

hai December 18, 2017 - 4:55 am

Re: @Fabio
watch the other videos.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6EgNJnPUDQs the setter just ignored her all the time!

Joey December 18, 2017 - 9:20 am

Re: @Fabio
No Fabio. Asian teams don’t usually run around in circles to celebrate a point. They huddle. Although, here, in the Philippines, the University of the Philippines Lady Maroons does the ‘UP Ikot’ where they run around mimmicking the Jeepneys of their school, they do it in a ‘happy’ celebrating way; as in shouting and giving hi-5’s

zentro29 December 18, 2017 - 10:38 am

Re: @Joey KOREA does. Just look at every game in the Korean League. You’ll see them running as a celebration for getting a point.

YK May 10, 2018 - 4:09 am

Re: @Fabio
No.. They ignored her. Korean league gather in a circle.. usually.

Jerry December 21, 2016 - 3:01 am

Seems odd that she would leave the team if the issue was not understanding the celebrations.

Bra Minas December 21, 2016 - 5:00 pm

It’s clear that she was ignored most of the time, her setter didn’t let her play the whole game and when you are a foreigner in KOVO league you will be receiving most of the balls to attack.
There’s nothing related to this kind of celebration, all the asian teams that do this try at least to give a high five to the foreigners and the other players didn’t even look at her when she was celebrating the points.
Besides, she looked really upset at their behavior, unnaceptable for professional players (and ADULTS doing bullying is ridiculous) to act like this, they really desearve to be losing all their games. They are not only bad players, they are mediocre persons.
I hope she’ll find a better team to play, where she will be respected by her teemates. Also, I want to see her playing in brasil sometime and even in her NT agains all the ones who bullied her.

zentro29 December 22, 2016 - 11:42 am

Try watching her last game with the team if you really think they’re ignoring her. Bryan had a hard time adjusting to the league and the result of that was her not getting a lot of set.
https:// www. youtube. com/ watch?v=8evYGXV_7Fs

Han December 23, 2016 - 11:33 am

those times you side to look at, player #10 low five her, others reached their hand too. i am not going to watch the whole game, but if anything, the camera isnt showing everything. she did under perform from the expectation of the team and as a foreign player. there may be other things that we don’t know of, but it just looks more like shes having a bad day.

mo lott March 31, 2018 - 3:29 pm

here in the philippines kennedy doesn’t felt those things becoz filipinos are really happy ang jamming players…you can search it if im wrong i’ll give myselmyself ‘L’ finger


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