WorldofVolley will spread the word for this great and noble cause that Giacomo Sinitni has undertaken! Here is the information concerning his Association
Association Giacomo Sintini
IBAN: IT 45 P 05 704 03000 000000031354
Fundraising for medical research against leukemia and lymphoma and for assistance in the field of onco-hematology
On June 1, 2011 Giacomo Sintini, the famous Italian player was diagnosed with a malignant lymphoma stage four. He was 32, in the prime of life and his career. He had to undergo to 7 cycles of chemo-therapy and then to a self-bone marrow transplantation. He owes his life to many factors, one of which is the great ability of physicians who assisted him. The medicine is making huge strides in the treatment of these diseases through research. The hematology and oncology is constantly developing and can improve again…….
With his association Sintini wants to stay in the forefront and not to forget what these people have done for him!
Association Giacomo Sintini Facebook page
Giacomo Santini’s official Facebook page
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