Home » PRE-GAME MEAL: Find out what to eat on matchday

PRE-GAME MEAL: Find out what to eat on matchday

by WoV
source: about.com; Photo: jeffpearlman.com

Proper nutrition is essential for athletes. Learn in this article what and how you should eat on a day when you play a volleyball match in order to be in a good shape. An article was written by volleyball expert Beverly Oden who played for the US national team at the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta and has more than 20 years of experience in this sport.

Beverly Oden

Beverly Oden

On the day of a match, be sure to eat breakfast, lunch and a couple of snacks during the day.

Stick with lean meats, vegetables and carbohydrates like bread, pasta and fruit. Stay away from foods with high processed sugar and any new foods you have not tried before on game days.

The most important meal of the day is your pre-game meal. This is what your body will primarily draw from during a match, so choose your foods wisely.

Most experts agree that the Pre-Game Meal should be eaten 2-3 hours before your match. If you’re not sure what your ideal time is for pre-game, try eating two and a half hours before the match and then vary the time slightly for the subsequent matches, paying close attention to how your body responds.

Since volleyball requires a lot of quick movement and bursts of strength over a long period of time, it is necessary to provide your body with a good amount of carbohydrates such as fruits, veggies, whole grain cereals, breads, and pastas, and low-fat dairy.

Supplement your carbo-load with protein (lean meats, chicken, turkey, fish, nonfat cheeses, dairy and egg whites) and veggies and you have the ideal pre-game meal.

The recommended ratio is 50-65% carbs, 10-25% protein and less than 30% healthy fats like nuts, nut butters, fish oils, avocado, soy, and vegetable oil based salad dressings.


For similar articles, read Nutrition and Supplements.

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chico April 22, 2015 - 10:47 pm

this is so wrong, some things are right but most are wrong. I will like to know how she decide ratio, specially protein from meat????


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