Home » Female/Male available volleyball players for season 16/17

Female/Male available volleyball players for season 16/17

by WoV

In cooperation with volleyball agents and volleyball agencies, WorldofVolley is presenting the list of the available volleyball players for the upcoming season 2016/2017. The list will be updated daily. If you are interested in some volleyball player, click on the name to get more info and also for player's contact details (direct contact via WoV Profile message or through player's official agent).

Available volleyball players

Available players

The list of available players:

Last added:

Steve Irvin (USA, receiver)

Marthin Luther Herve Yone Ndam (Cameroon, receiver/opposite)

Lisbet Arredondo Reyes (Cuba, receiver)

Bojana Radulovic (Serbia, setter) 

Aleksandra Jocić (Serbia, opposite)

Andreia Leite Pereira (Brazil, universal)

Darya Ozbek (Ukraine, setter)

Eva Chantava (Greece, receiver)

Sanja Starović (Serbia, opposite)

Ivana Isailović (Serbia, md blocker)

Gwendolyn Rucker (USA, middle blocker)

Jackie Napper 

Jessica Walker (USA, middle blocker)

Kanani Danielson (USA, receiver)

Katarina Simić (Serbia, receiver)

Katerina Zhidkova (Azerbaijan, receiver)

Kristina Guncheva (Bulgaria, setter)

Lisa Thomsen (Germany, receiver)

Lora Kitipova (Bulgaria, setter)

Meta Jerala (Slovenia, libero)

Monika Potokar (Slovenia, receiver)

Natalia Matseichyk (Belarus, universal)

Tamara Rakić (Serbia, receiver)

Tugce Atici (Turkey, setter)

Tereza Rossi Matuszkova (Czech Republic, opposite)

Yelena Parkhomenko (Ukraine, middle blocker)

Aitor Canca (Spain, middle blocker)

Cristian Palacios (Colombia, middle blocker)

Rodrigo Palumbo (Argentina, middle blocker)

Alejandro Sanoja

Patrick Strzalkowski (Poland, universal)

Víctor Bouza (Spain, receiver)

Santiago Alvarez (Argentina, universal)

Francisco Fernández

Toni Llabrés (Spain, libero)

Zdravko Kamenov (Spain, setter)

Blagovest Petrov (Bulgaria, receiver)

Jorge Almansa (Spain, receiver)

Gerard Osorio (Spain, universal)

María José Corral (Spain, setter)

Maguette Mbow (Senegal, middle blocker)

Konstantina Tsopoulou

Ekaterina Ripnaya (Russia, universal)

Mabel Caro (Spain, middle blocker)

Evi Gerovasileiou

Raque Egea

Selime Ilyasoglu Hot (Turkey, receiver)


More available players can be found inside WoV JOB MARKET.

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