Home » ARG M: La Union de Formosa – Olimpo de Bahia Blanca 3:1

ARG M: La Union de Formosa – Olimpo de Bahia Blanca 3:1

by WoV
source: aclav.com

La UnLa Union de Formosa continues its good run in the league by defeating Olimpo de Bahia Blanca 3:1. Cristian Imhoff with 22 points and Javier Vega with 21 were the top scorers. Fabian Murao's team managed to win the third set.


Union – Olimpo

La Union de Formosa started by dominating the match with good defense. Fabian Muraco‘s team managed to come back, tie, and take the lead, but the hosts eventually won 28:26. In the second the hosts started with a 5:0 lead, and it was clear that thay would win this set, and they did with 25:14. The third was like the second, but this time Olimpo de Bahia Blanca led 8:16 on the secobd tehnical timeout and won 16:25. Uninon finished the match in the fourth set.

Cristian Imhoff with 22 points and Javier Vega with 21 were the top scorers.

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