Home » ARG M: Untref signed experienced setter from Lomas!

ARG M: Untref signed experienced setter from Lomas!

by WoV
source: Photo: facebook.com/voley plus

Untref Volley has already started creating roster for the next season.



What they have done? The club’s board has decided to sign setter and they were searching in Lomas’ roster. Look what they’ve found – an experienced setter, Sebastian Firpo!

He has an international career. He played in Romania and Austria a few years ago. He was a member of Argentine national team in 2000, at summer Olympic games.

It is a very good way to start creating a roster. Check Firpo’s stats in season 2014/2015. You should browse our JOB MARKET here is some player who will fulfill all your dreams.


To stay in touch with the latest transfers check out Transfers 2015-2016 page.

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