Home » ARG: International Course II – positive balance of the lecturers

ARG: International Course II – positive balance of the lecturers

by WoV
source: feva.org.ar

A weed after the last International Coaches Course - Level II end, organized by the FIVB Argentine Volleyball Regional Development Centre (CDRV), the people in charge of the same, Gustavo Meczyk (Course Director) and Aurelio Ureña Espa (FIVB Lecturer) made a balance of the workshop done in the country. "The organization was perfect at all level, including comparing it with other places around the World" expressed Meczyk.


Course – meeting

It was my debut course FIVB and I will keep in my mind beautiful and happy memories of it” said first the Spanish Ureña Espa. “It was a very high organization standard with all facilities and needs covered and therefore the program for the training could being carried out in an outstanding level. Miguel Mendez and Juan Osuna did not stop helping us to cover any need that could arise” he added.

With reference to the Cenard facilities, Ureña made it very clear: “Sport facilities are perfect without any doubt. For courses of over 20 participants it is good to have two playing fields and in most lecturers and training we could count with them. The floor is the best one and so all the equipment. The balls are the ones used for international competitions and in enough quantity for all the participants. Big places around the fields and we could show videos with outstanding quality and sound. Nothing else is needed“.

Meczyk pointed out very strongly the high level of the participants. “I compare this course with one held in Spain and another at the Dominican Republic. The level of the Argentine coaches is very high. Some arrived to the international course from other countries with less knowledge but with the Argentine coaches arriving to the international course having approved local courses and having such an amount of exchange of ideas and experiences the course finished being the best one“.

We welcomed coaches from eight different countries but the level finished being similar. It is very normal as they arrive with different volleyball experiences. The group shared a great friendship level and that ended making the course level even higher. We had coaches from the most important leagues and players with international level” pointed out Ureña Espa.

It enriched us all and I would love to carry out a new course in Argentina because when the preparation level is high as lecturer I enjoy even more the course. It helped a lot that the lecturer Aurelio Ureña mentioned all his experience and allowed the success of the same“. The Spanish lecturer added: “For me it has been a very grateful experience and well carried out and the participants engagement could be felt at all times, their knowledge, friendship and the relationship with us was outstanding“.

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