Home » BRA M: No more undefeated – Sesi stopped Sada Cruzeiro

BRA M: No more undefeated – Sesi stopped Sada Cruzeiro

by WoV
source: Photo: globoesporte.globo.com

"It was a hell of a game" stated Ricardo Lucarelli, player of Sesi, after the match for Brazilian media.

Sesi vs. Sada Cruzeiro

Sesi vs. Sada Cruzeiro

It was a true derby, a “replay” of the last season’s finals. Before the game, Sada Cruzeiro was the only team with maximum score in the League (10-0), while Sesi was 11 points behind with the score 7-4.

But, when two sides stepped on the court those numbers were just not important anymore. Sesi fought until the end, saving some crucial balls in the fourth set, and eventually won the match in the tie break. The best scorers in the winning side were Ricardo Lucarelli and Lukas Saatkamp with 15 points each, while in Sada Cruzeiro, Yoandy Hidalgo made 19, and Eder Carbonera added 14. It is interesting to mention that Walace De Souza, one of the best players in the world, scored only 2 points for Sada Cruziero on this match. 


Game Date/Time Teams Set Result per set Stats Videos
  11. 12. 2014 19:00 Volei Brasil Kirin vs Montes Claros Volei 3:1 27:25; 16:25; 25:21; 25:22    
  13. 12. 2014 17:00 Vivo / Minas Belo Horizonte vs Voleisul/Paquetá Esportes 3:2 24:26; 17:25; 25:18; 25:15; 15:13    
  13. 12. 2014 18:00 Volei Canoas vs Taubate/Funvic 0:3 18:25; 19:25; 16:25    
  14. 12. 2014 23:00 Sao Bernardo Volei vs UFJF 0:0      
  13. 12. 2014 19:00 Sao Jose Dos Campos vs Ziober Maringa Volei 1:3 20:25, 25:23, 20:25, 23:25     
  13. 12. 2014 21:30 Sesi-SP vs Sada Cruzeiro Volei 3:2 25:22, 23:25, 22:25, 28:26, 15:9   


To see standings, stats, videos, photos etc. from this competition click on BRA NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP 2014/2015 M.

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