Home » BRA M: Vissotto and Verbov discuss about doping affair!

BRA M: Vissotto and Verbov discuss about doping affair!

by WoV

Two players, Leandro Vissotto and Alexey Verbov had a discussion about the doping scandal in Russia.



I can’t wait for the truth. When you lose the final of the Olympic Games 3-2, the physical condition decides the winner” writes Vissotto on Instagram, publishing a Print screen of our news about doping affair.

Below in the comments, the libero of the Russian volleyball national team Alexey Verbov has asked Brazilian player:

Leo, you really think that we used some prohibited supplements?”

I hope not, my friend. I really want to believe that this is only a rumor” answers Vissotto!

Recall that 10 Russian volleyball players have been tested positive for doping between 2012 and 2016…


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