Home » New volleyball organization established and it includes several powerful national leagues

New volleyball organization established and it includes several powerful national leagues

by WoV
source: legavolley.it; Photo: outdoorblog.it

A new Europan volleyball organization is born and it included several highly important national championships.



In the meeting in Bologna, Italy, the Italian, Belgian, German, French and Polish League have established the Volleyball Leagues Association (VLA). These are the five founders of the VLA, but other European leagues said they are also interested in the project and expansion of the boundaries of the new association.

The VLA has set the first targets that it intends to pursue:

• The development of the national leagues and their clubs.

• Maintaining the rights and economic value of the clubs and the national club competitions.

• Discussing on the contractual arrangements of athletes engaged in the national leagues as well as transfers of the players for national competitions.

• Discussing on the ways of participation of the players from the national leagues in the national team activities (insurance, injuries, salaries, etc).

• Looking for better synchronization between international calendars (FIVB’s and 5 continental confederations) and national leagues: firstly, to solve the problem of excessive physical effort of many players playing an excessive number of matches per year, and second, to give more continuity and regularity to national competitions, to ensure the economic value of our sport.

The VLA will be represented by the Belgian Philippe Boone (the President of the Belgian League) and Diego Mosna (Honorary Chairman of the Italian League).


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Axe September 26, 2017 - 12:07 am

Really looking forward to seeing what they are going to achieve in the future…


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