Home » #IAMINBERLIN: Home fans can celebrate – BR Volleys third in Europe!

#IAMINBERLIN: Home fans can celebrate – BR Volleys third in Europe!

by WoV

Berlin Recycling Volleys players gave some joy to its fans after losing semi-final match on the Champions League Final Four. The orange team took bronze medal after tough and exhausting tiebreaker against PGE Skra Bełchatów!

BR Volleys vs. Skra

BR Volleys vs. Skra

More than 9,000 spectators in „Max-Schmeling-Halle“ enjoyed breathtaking volleyball of two teams whose players were still a bit sad due to yesterday’s losses in semi-finals.

But, BR Volleys had the obligation not to disappoint its loyal and noisy fans. It led by 1-0 and 2-1 in sets, setting pace from the start of the match. And it did it – BR Volleys officially becomes third team in Europe after turning 8th match point into the win!

See play by play below.

23:21, ACE! The End, Berlin takes the third place!

22:21, Uriarte hits the net!

21:21, Conte keeps Skra’s hopes

21:20, Mistake by Wlazly

20:20, Bontje!

19:20, Wlazly scores for the new lead

19:19, Carroll ties again

18:19, Conte ends very long rally by pipe

18:18 Fischer takes the opportunity to score from first tempo

17:18, Block by Wrona

17:17, All tied again

17:16, Fischer’s first tempo gives Berlin new match ball

16:16, Lisinac gets angry, very strong spike

16:15, Bontje vs. Lisinac, player pf Berlin wins

15:15, De Marchi does the same thing

15:14, Uriarte hits the net

14:14, De Marchi sends ball out! Video Check couldn’t help Berlin

14:13, Conte saves the first!

14:12, Mistake by Wrona, Berlin has two match point

13:11, We are watching very good game. Marechal makes mistakes from the service line

11:10, Mistake by Shoji

10:9, Skra makes huge comeback by taking three consecutive points

10:6, Berlin is very close to the win

9:5, Conte manages to decrease the lead

9:4, Huge lead for BR Volleys, Falasca wants time out again

8:4, De Marchi is unstoppable!

7:4, Lisinac is back

7:3, De Marchi with a great spike

6:3, New mistake by Polish team, Falasca calls for time out

5:3, Touzinsky’s strong spike, Uriarte couldn’t do anythin

4:3, Uriarte makes clever move

4:2, Berlin is marching to the win

2:2, Wrona ties the score

2:1, Touzinsky brings Berlin +1

0:1, Kawika Shoji sends ball out of bounds from the service line



26:28, After Wlazly serve, Skra ties the score in sets. We will watch the tie break

26:26, Cold blooded Wlazly saves the match ball

26:25, Match ball for Berlin

25:25, Marechal sends the ball out of bounds

24:25, New set ball for Skra

24:24, Berlin saves two set points!

22:24, Two set points for Polish team

22:23, Point by Carroll

21:23, Carroll had to risk, ball went out of bounds

20:22, Again two points of advantage by Skra

20:21, Wrona breaks Berlin;s scoring run

20:20, ACE – Fischer, crowd went wild

19:20, Amazing move by De Marchi, Time out by Falasca

18:20, Conte got blocked, Berlin is back 

17:20, Good action, Kawika – Fischer

16:20, Short serve by Marecchal, surprise for De Marchi

16:18, Unbelievable, problems for the both teams from the srve

14:17, Again mistake from the service line. It was Bontje…

14:16, After the second TTO, Berlin organizes good attack

13:16, The same thing on the other side. Ball hits the net

13:15, Uriarte makes error from service line

12:15, Klos spike for the three-point lead. 

11:14, Berlin is trying to make turnaround, but they even can’t get the ball over the net from the service line

10:13, Touzinsky makes mistake

10:12, Again mistake by Skra’s team, Falasca pushes the button

9:12, Conte hits the net from pipe

7:12, Again mistake by home team

7:11, Skra still keeps the four points lead

5:9, Huge lead for Skra in the fourth set

5:8, Skra is playing much better in this set. At the first TTO they have three points of advantage

4:5, Touzinsky scores a point

3:5, Good attack of Polish team 

2:2, Wlazly hits the net

1:2, Brutal block by Wrona, one on one

0:1, Skra opens set with a block



25:20, Berlin wins the third set and takes the lead in sets, 2:1

23:18, Berlin is very close to take the lead in sets again

22:18, Mistake by Muzaj from the seervice line

21:18, Skra score two consecutive points

21:16, Conte sends ball out of bounds

19:14, Carroll is playing really fantastic. He destroys Skra’s triple block

18:13, After point of Berlin, Falasca calls for time out

16:12, Klos decreases rival’s lead

16:11, Big lead for home team at the second techical Time Out

15:11, Wrona stops Berlin’s scoring run

15:10, Fischer pushes Berlin’s scoring run to 6-0

14:10, Horrible spike by Wlodarczyk

13:10, Again block out, point goes to host team

12:10, Carroll’s spike hits the block, ball goes wide. Time out Falasca

11:10, Berlin leads again

10:10, Wlazly didn’t manage to get ball over the net from serve

8:8, Touzinsky ties the score

7-8, Conte’s serve hits the net

6:8, Kromm sends ball out of bounds, First TTO

5:5, Mistake by Lisinac from the sevice line

3:2, Berlin answers back

1:2, Skra makes turnaround!

1:0, Berlin wins the first point in the third set


Mariusz Wlazly was the top scorer in Skra in the second set with 5 points. See his WoV Profile and his stats in this season.


19:25, Skra ties the score in the sets

18:22, Mariusz Wlazly destroys the floor

17:21, Perfect action by Uriarte and Lisinac

16:20, Time out, Mark Lebedew

16:19, Float serve by Klos, Skra wins the point. 

16:18, Klos keeps Skra on +2

16:17, Conte risks, ball goes out of bounds

15:17, Kromm’s serve hit the net

14:16, Mistake by Carroll, ball goes out of bounds

14:15, Carroll continues to bomb, but now from zone 2

13:15, And AGAIN! Good serves by Australian player

BR Volleys - Skra 2

BR Volleys – Skra 2

12:15, Caroll’s bomb hit the line

11:15, Lisinac makes mistake, he hit the net from serve

10:15, New point for Polish team, 

10:14, Conte increases the lead of his team

10:13, Skra keeps the lead

9:11, Wlazly’s footfault

8:11, Spike by Lisinac, Time out for Berlin

8:9, Wlazly sends ball wide

7:8, Mistake by Conte from the service line

6:8, At the first TTO, Wlazly & co. have lead

6:7, Good block by Skra’s players

5:5, Conte’s stunning move, Polish team ties the score

2:2, Skra ties the score

2:1, New lead of home team

1:0, Berlin wins the first point in the second set


Check out Berlin’s team stats in this season. Touzinsky was the top scorer in the first set with 7 points. Check out his stats in season 2014/2015


25:21, Berlin wins the first set!

24:21, Good serve by Conte, host team got blocked by Skra’s triple block

24:19, Mistake by Brđović from the service line. Uriarte enters the court again

23:19, Conte keeps hopes

23:18, Berlin i sclose to win set

21:16, Good block by Carroll on Marechal

20:16, Superb ace by Touzinsky

17:15, Touzinsky finds the way through the rival’s block

BR Volleys - Skra

BR Volleys – Skra

16:14, Bontje scores again and host team has two points of advantage at the second TTO

15:14, Footfault by player of Berlin

15:13, Bontje’s first tempo

14:13, Problem for Skra, Conte is on the ground, it seems that he suffered injury. But he stands up, he is alright.

14:12, Conte finally finds the way

14:11, Mistake by Carrol

13:10, Brutal spike by Wlazly. He hit Kromm straight in the head

12:8, Marechal sends ball wide

9:7, Another mistake by berlin from service line, Bontje’s error

9:6, Miracoulous move by Kawika Shoji

8-6, Mistake fro the servise line

8:5, First TTO

7:4, Skra is having problems to organize attack

6:4, Fantastic save by Touzinsky, than good attack and point

4:4, Berlin had chance to go on +2, but ball went out of bounds

4:3, Double block for Lisinac

3:3, Home team ties the result

1:3, Marechal made clever move

1:2, Wlazly makes mistake from the serve lin

0:1, Lisinac opens match with point


The players are warming up… 

Final Four / 3rd place match /

Game Date/Time Teams Set Result per set Stats Videos
  29. 03. 2015 12:00 Berlin Recycling Volleys VS PGE Skra Bełchatów 3:2 25:21; 19:25; 25:20; 26:28; 23:21    


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David March 29, 2015 - 4:02 pm

Damn. Skra is really in crisis.


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