Home » GRE M: PAOK’s response – „By asking doping control, Olympiacos justifies its debacle“

GRE M: PAOK’s response – „By asking doping control, Olympiacos justifies its debacle“

by WoV
source: paokvolley.gr; Photo: novasports.gr

P.A.O.K. Thessaloniki responded to Olympiacos O.S. Piraeus’ statement and published it on its official website.



PAOK believes that statement of Olympiacos in which it wants doping control for PAOK’s players is provocative and unfounded, especially since it was announced only 48 hours before the third game of the playoff finals. Thus, Olympiacos is trying to skillfully undermine the fight for the title.

„PAOK needs to fear from nothing neither inside nor outside the court. Our players passed the doping control in the recent national Cup Final Four organized by the Greek Volleyball Federation without any problem and also won the trophy,“ writes the team from Thessaloniki.

„We remind Olympiacos that the only competent authority to request doping control  is the organizer of the championship, the Greek VF. So, we make it clear that if they decide to proceed to doping control for the third match of the playoff final series, we won’t have the problems whatsoever with that,“ adds PAOK.

„We will not tolerate any assault on our players especially when it has one and only goal: to justify the opponent’s debacle in the series that it has experienced on the court,“ finishes PAOK.


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mike 4 May 5, 2015 - 10:11 am

olympiacos dont learn to lose……FORCA PAOK…..


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