After losing in the opening round of the national league, Hristo Zlatanov and his teammates have only two days to get ready for their CL debut. Besides ACH Volley, in the prelims they are going to play also France’s TOURS VB and Bulgaria’s Marek Union–Ivkoni DUPNITSA. Though they lost to Altotevere CITTA DI CASTELLO, Copra Elior could see a good performance by some of their key players, namely Samuele Papi and Robertlandy Simon who scored 14 and 13 points respectively while Denys Kaliberda and Alessandro Fei added 12 and 10 to the final count.
As for ACH Volley, they just won their last game in the Middle European League edging Austria’s Posojilnica AICH/DOB 3:2 with their opposite player Anđelko Ćuk finishing the match with 28 points.
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