Home » PHOTO OF THE DAY: Dangerous bus ride of Monza’s players

PHOTO OF THE DAY: Dangerous bus ride of Monza’s players

by WoV

So far, Gi Group Monza have a good win-loss record in Italian championship. So, it’s no wonder that there is a cheerful atmosphere in their locker room.


A photo posted by Andrea Sala (@salaandrea1) onDec 7, 2015 at 5:27am PST


During one training, after they beat Tonazzo Padova on Sunday, Monza’s players had fun by simulating a bus ride with a terrible driver ahead.

It is a famous game that kids in classrooms all over the world invented, a couple of years ago.

Since there was only a photo posted, we don’t know if the ride of Monza’s players ended with players falling over each others, like it supposed to be originally…


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