Beaten 3:1 in Paris, the champions of France at the same time have lost their leading position in the League.
This Saturday, they have the opportunity to forget bad receptionin the match with Rennes.
The leader Tours will try to secure its place during its visit to Narbonne.
The worst club is Lyon. The team has squandered valuable points last week in Nantes (lost 3:2 after leading 2:0). This time, a defeat against Paris could determine its fate.
Beauvais and Ajaccio, that are side by side with 21 points each, have a big challenge this Saturday. Beauvais will face Cannes and Ajaccio will play against Sete.
The last two matches of this 23. day involve teams in the middle on scoreboard. Toulouse would do well to win at home against Nantes-Reze and reduce the gap with Montpellier (6 points). Montpellier, currently on 8. position will face Tourcoing.