“Beach Volleyball World Tour with participation of 56 teams from 24 countries will be held from February 14-19, 2016 in Kish Island, which is located in the Persian Gulf. This tournament actually presents an important step towards realization of the higher intensions of the sports tourism. We are in the threshold of a giant and important event in Kish Island. Presence of teams, foreign guests along with their families in this tournament is a big step in order to boost the sports tourism. Some of observers and experts of FIVB are participating as honored guests while 16 international referees will judge in the tournament,” said re-elected President of Iran’s Volleyball Federation, Dr. Davarzani.
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Will women can wear bikini?
No, they should wear chador and burqa. Under chador, they can wear whatever they want.
@FELIPE. Don’t be so negative dude! It’s first step! Maybe next years women will be able to wear bikini in Iran! By the way if you are very interested to see women in bikini instead of watching volleyball, you’d better go to Coast of Ipanima or a nudist beach in France!!!