Home » VEN: Coaches course wraps up in Venezuela

VEN: Coaches course wraps up in Venezuela

by WoV
source: fivb.org

The Development Centre in Caracas, Venezuela hosted a coaches course run by FIVB instructors Alejandro Arconada and Venezuela native Luis Trejo. Worldofvolley brings you the latest volleyball news from around the world.


The Colombians and one Cuban joined the Venezuelan participants for the 12 day course

The students were mostly from the different areas of Venezuela, but also included three individuals from Colombia and one from Cuba. There were three women in the group.

The practical clinics were carried out with help from the Venezuelan youth girls’ and boys’ national team squads, who were used as demonstrators. Participants also took in two national league matches to practice evaluating games.

Earlier in September, the Development Centre also held a technical seminar for young players that attracted local volleyball coaches and teachers. The centre is working to increase foreign participation and attract more interest in its facilities from neighbouring countries.

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