Home » THA W: Thai star Ajcharaporn rejects offers from Europe to stay in home country

THA W: Thai star Ajcharaporn rejects offers from Europe to stay in home country

by WoV
source: facebook.com/Supreme VC - สโมสรวอลเลย์บอลสุพรีม ชลบุรี-อี.เทค; Photo: http://flickriver-lb-1710691658.us-east-1.elb.amazonaws.com

The Thai Women’s Volleyball National Team member Ajcharaporn Kongyot tended to continue her career in Europe but, at the last moment, she decided to stay in her home country for the next season.



A 22-year-old receiver Ajcharaporn renewed the contract with the Thai and Asian title holders Supreme Chonburi VC for the 2017/2018.

The player said her dream was to play abroad but since she had some problems with her physical condition, she was afraid to pick up injury due to heavy and intense games in Europe. Also, her family advised her to stay in Thailand.

The President of Supreme stated that Ajcharaporn rejected the offers from Germany and Turkey. She has been a member of this Thai club since 2013.


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