Trefl beat trophy defenders KPS Chemik Police after more than a two-hour battle, reaching for its first Polish Cup in the club’s history. It played three times in the final of the competition.
The finish of the tie-break was dramatic. At the result of 12-12, Chemik’s players made two errors in reception while Zuzanna Efimienko sealed the block on legendary Małgorzata Glinka-Mogentale on match point.
Katarzyna Zaroślińska was the most efficient player in Trefl and also in the match with 22 points. Brittnee Cooper and Falyn Fonoimoana added 10.
In Chemik, Ana Bjelica had 19 and Glinka-Mogentale 18 points.
Game | Date/Time | Teams | Set | Result per set | Stats | Videos | ||
Final | 15. 03. 2015 14:45 | KPS Chemik Police ( W ) | vs | PGE Atom Trefl Sopot ( W ) | 2:3 | 25:17; 18:25; 10:25; 25:19; 12:15 |
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