In the first training, there were six new players – Dorota Wilk, Koralina Różycka, Justyna Łysiak, Anna Pawłowska and two foreign volleyball players – Jelena Trinic and Jessica Layson Walker.
Serbian Jelena Trynic is 23-year-old volleyball player from Crvena Zvezda Belgrade. The second player is with much larger international experience American Jessica Walker.
The 28-year-old has recently played in the Israeli league at Hapoel Ironi Kirita Ata, earlier in Urbino Volley and Azerbaijani Telekom Baku.
The composition of Enea PTPS Pila for 2017/2018 season:
Setters: Emilia Szubert, Dorota Wilk
Blockers: Anna Stencel, Jelena Trinic, Jessica Layshoone Walker
Receivers: Agata Babicz, Zaneta Baran, Karolina Różycka, Oliwia Urban
Opposite: Anita Kwiatkowska
Liberos: Justyna Łysiak, Anna Pawłowska.
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