Home » POL M: Michal Kaminski: Czestochowa is a magical place

POL M: Michal Kaminski: Czestochowa is a magical place

by WoV
source: plusliga.pl

"When we drove to Czestochowa automatically appeared smile on my face. For me it is a special place. I will always feel affection for the city" says Michal Kaminski. Read latest volleyball news on Worldofvolley.com.


Michal Kaminski

Congratulations to the first victory of the season. You managed to get a set of points in the match with screw-Metem AZS Czestochowa em. One can only hope that now it will only get better.

Michal Kaminski: “We played very ambitious. We showned that we does not give up after losing a set. It should be noted that the team of Czestochowa is a young squad, but with a lot of potential, as shown in the second set. We were able to finish some important balls and completely changed its face on the pitch”.

Is it a Saturday victory enough to break bad luck and change the attitude of the team before the next matches? It will be easier for you playing?

“In front of us are meetings with the teams that we can confidently say that they are within our reach. Now there is no space and time to get into trouble. Schedule was arranged so that once played with a stronger opponent, once easier. I must admit that it was a tough start to the season. Now we play a little bit with a knife at his throat. But I hope that this will prove to ourselves that we can forget what it was and start to play consistently”.

Since the beginning of the season you are entering the field with a reserve. When you appear on the court a lot things changes to the team. Do you expect that in the next meeting you go to the starting line?

“This is not question for me, the coach decide. I can not speak. When I entering the pitch I always try to do my best and help the team as best as I can. I hope that there will come a time when I could go out in primary six”.

In the season 2011/12 you scored with AZS Czestochowa CEV Challenge Cup. You’re back now with a new team in Czestochowa. Were memories revived?

“Of course. I have great affection for both the city, the club and the people that I met here. When we drove up to Czestochowa automatically appeared on my face smile. For me, it is a unique city. I will always feel affection for this city”.

It might meet Częstochowa in the playoffs?

“Let’s see how it all works out. I hope that the team of Czestochowa will be able to get some important points in PlusLiga. And we, in turn, will continue its winning streak that began in Saturday’s game”.

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