Home » RUS W: Coach Owczynnikow reveals secrets

RUS W: Coach Owczynnikow reveals secrets

by WoV
source: pzps.pl author: Karolina Piotrowska

Russia is going to be one of the rivals of Poland at the qualification tournament in Ankara (1st-6th of May). The winner of the tournament will play at the Olympic Games in London. Team of coach Siergiej Owczynnikow will have the preparation process in term 22nd – 29th of April.



The world champions will have two sparring matches against Croatia – on the 25th of April in Nowy Sącz and three days later in Mielec. In both meetings the national team of Russia will fight against Croatia

The Olympic Games qualification tournament, for senior women national teams, will take place in term 1st – 6th of May in Ankara. Poland will play in one group against Serbia, Russia and the Netherlands.

In the second group we will see Germany, Turkey, Bulgaria and Croatia.

Only the winner will gain the Olympic qualification. 

The coaching staff of the national team of Russia announced names of the 22 players, who will participate at the preparations to the qualification tournament in Ankara (1st – 6th of May). The winner of the tournament will gain promotion to the Olympic Games in London. 

Composition of the national team of Russia:


Jewgienija Starcewa (Dynamo Krasnodar)
Wiera Ulakina (Dynamo Moskwa)
Anna Matijenko (Dynamo Moskwa)
Irina Uralewa (Proton)
Marina Akułowa (Omiczka)


Jekatierina Gamowa (Dynamo Kazań)
Natalia Gonczarowa (Dynamo Moskwa)
Daria Stolarowa (Zariecze Odincowo)

Middle position players

Maria Borisienko (Dynamo Kazań)
Regina Moroz (Dynamo Kazań)
Julia Mierkułowa (Dynamo Moskwa)
Julia Morozowa (Dynamo Moskwa)
Maria Pierepiełkina (Dynamo Moskwa)


Lubow Sokołowa (Fenerbahce Stambuł)
Tatiana Koszelewa (Dynamo Krasnodar)
Jewgienija Estes (Urałoczka)
Wiktoria Czaplina (Urałoczka)
Lesia Machno (Dynamo Kazań)
Jana Szczerbań (Proton)

Libero players

Swietłana Kriuczkowa (Dynamo Moskwa)
Jekatierina Ułanowa (Dynamo Kazań)
Wiktoria Kuziakina (Omiczka Omsk)

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