Home » SRB M: Who will replace Kolaković? Grbić, Anastasi…?

SRB M: Who will replace Kolaković? Grbić, Anastasi…?

by WoV
source: zurnal.rs; Photo: politika.rs

Serbian media have already started speculating about the successor of Igor Kolaković.




Sportski žurnal, the leading Serbian sports newspapers, published an article in which author’s first pick is Nikola Grbić! One of the best setters od all time has started coaching career this summer by taking over Perugia. Author writes that although Nikola has no coaching experience, he has the necessary charisma and authority over players.

Also, Žurnal writes that there are many other Serbian experts who have the knowledge to sit on the National Team bench. Among them are Zoran Gajić, Jovica Cvetković, Nikola Matijašević, Željko Bulatović, Slobodan Boškan, Dejan Brdjović and of course Slobodan Kovač, but most of them have contracts with clubs or other National Teams.

But, it is interesting that Žurnal suggests that the possible solution could be hiring Andrea Anastasi, with explanation that famous coach has a huge respect toward the Serbian volleyball.

What do you think, who will be the next head coach of Serbia?


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dee jae September 17, 2014 - 12:08 pm

grbic and anastasi, serbia needs maturity so anastasi can help them to be consistent cause serbia have it they always mentally collapse

Milan September 17, 2014 - 12:13 pm

Anastasi never. On serbian bench there will always be a serbian or a montenegro-serbian coach! Thebest question is will Boricic remain on the position of the president of the Serbian Ferderation. Up to this depends who will be in contest for the team coach. And what if Grbic Vlado becomes the presidend?

Zorzi September 17, 2014 - 2:15 pm

Matijasevic ,Cvetkovic,Bulatovic and Brdjovic are under level ..maybe for Oman Yemen .

Bojan September 17, 2014 - 3:14 pm

I agree with Zorzi . Also wanna say that Boskan is maybe for assistant ..Matijasevic and Cvetkovic are not in 500 names ..journalist in Serbian Zurnal was maybe on caffee with Vaska and he put this ..

Nesko September 17, 2014 - 4:10 pm

Vlado Grbic will never be president of Federation . Only one man can have all under control ..Bora..Nikola is more for president and less for coach ..


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