Home » They climbed on the basket, fought with security and put shame upon Galatasaray name (VIDEO)

They climbed on the basket, fought with security and put shame upon Galatasaray name (VIDEO)

by WoV
source: Photo: hln.be

More footage from Gent where Galatasaray fans have made one of the worst incidents in the recent history of volleyball.

Fans on volleyball court

Fans on volleyball court

According to reports from Belgium, Galatasaray football fans from Netherlands and Germany arrived with three buses just before the match. They did not need much time to get into the conflict with outnumbered security guards…

Hooligans stormed the court and even climbed on the basket to put their flag…

They even climbed on the basket

They even climbed on the basket

Here is another video from the Hall, made by Galatasaray TV.

Shameful scenes…


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Ali Y December 18, 2015 - 10:55 am

We are very sorry about this kind of incidents. Galatasaray management also declared that they are sorry. However, we need to stop it. At indoor sports, these fans are very dangerous, they should not be allowed to enter the hall somehow. They really do not know about basketball or volleyball. They do harm the sport and also the club. It may be a bit tough but european clubs do not allow Galatasaray fans any more. Galatasaray do not need them for sure. They do not know how to support the team, all they do is holliganism.


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