Strength methods
We can classify them in “Volume” category and “Intensity” category. In the volume category we have sets, repetitions and load. In the intensity category we have speed, modality, time, range of motion and rest time.
All of them are interconnected in order to determine the final result of the training. It is so true that if you just change one of them, the felling of the work-out as well as the next super-compensation days are going to be completely different and the training goal will change.
This is the most important quality possessed by a fitness trainer as well as the most difficult one.
To find the right combination of those categories you should consider all of the elements:
- moment of the season
- matches schedule
- player’s capacity (eventually injury, age, motor and mental attitude…weaknesses)
- past and future activities (for ex. how many jumps the players have done in the prior or in the next ball training..)
Keeping in mind those general conditions, the trainer has to create those two basic characteristics of the work-out (volume and intensity) and chose between a lot of possible motion variations:
- eccentric/concentric
- eccentric (with overload)
- stop and go
- isometric
- plyometric
- pool (water)
- electrostimulation
Afterwards choose the methods
- choice of exercises (multi joint and/or single weights and/or machine and/or elastic band…)
- set-rest-set-rest-set…in the same exercise (Station method)
- super set between one upper and one lower body exercises (Compound method)
- super set between 2 opposite motion (for example push press and rowing or crunch and back…)
- super set in the same motion (for example squat and jumps)
- work first for the lower body and then for the upper body or mix the two
- circuit training (3 or more exercises and choose the rest moment and the laps)
- indicate the order of exercises to privilege one or another skill
- preventive program
And then choose the work out:
- sets with fix repetitions
- descending pyramidal
- ascending pyramidal
- bulgarian method (alternating different loads and reps in the sets)
- pre-tired methods (make the motion and/or muscles little bit tired immediately before doing the main set)
- stripping……
In the next chapter we will enlarge our training view including strength training……. Stay tuned!
ALESSANDRO BRACCESCHI (Fano, Italy 16/07/1980)
– Degree in accounting (I.T.C Battisti, Fano 1998)
– Degree in Physical Education (with emphasis on Prevention/Rehabilitation)University of Urbino, Italy 2003
- 2006-2007 Player and Athletic Trainer “Nuncas Piu Volley Chieri”
- 2006-2007 Athletic Trainer “Pallavolo Torino” Men’s Division C, Italy
- 2007-2008 Athletic Trainer “Santeramo Sport” Women’s Division A1, Italy
- 2007-2011 Athletic Trainer Bulgarian Women’s National and Junior National Teams
- 2008-present Athletic Trainer “Vakifbank Gunes Sigorta” Women’s League 1, Turkey Champion’s League