Home » COMEDY: Coach left AEK after he literally ran out of gas

COMEDY: Coach left AEK after he literally ran out of gas

by WoV
source: Photo: sport24.gr

Unbelievable news arrive from Greece, where coach Jorge Elgueta decided to leave AEK, after he almost failed to arrive at the game of his club because he ran out of the gas on the road to Glyfada!



Financial crisis is shaking AEK, and coaching staff and players are not receiving any money. But, what happened to the head coach of this club perhaps describes this tough situation the best.

Jorge Elgueta, Argentine expert, was going to the home game of his club against Foinikas Syros. He was in a car, together with his assistant Mauro Marzotti, but at one point car ran out of gas! And, neither Elgueta or Marzotti had money with them to refill the tank! After being stuck for some time, two coaches somehow contacted people from AEK who sent 50 Euros for a taxi!

It was just too much for Elgueta who decided to resign as head coach of AEK. And, if anyone wants to know, Athens giant lost the game against Foinikas Syros by 3-1.


To see standings, stats, videos, photos etc. from this competition click on GRE NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP M 2014/2015.

For more information from this country click on Greece.

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Axe December 2, 2014 - 5:23 pm

Hahahahahahahaaaa! This can happen only inGreece! But it is also very sad to see this happening in Volleyball!!!

Spartan December 2, 2014 - 9:50 pm

My friend this is happening to AEK..Not Greece….
Why dont you tell us where are you from??? Very sad to speak like that …it seems like you have no idea about the real situation here.

Axe December 2, 2014 - 10:32 pm

@Spartan I don’t believe that situation is so bad that one team cannot give the money to the coach as much as for the gas to come to a game!!!!!


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