European Beach Volleyball Commission
Mr. Linos PETRIDES (Cyprus)
Mr. Marek PAKOSTA (Czech Republic)
Mr. Felipe PASCUAL (Spain)
Mr. Laos LUKAS (Estonia)
Ms. Athanasios RERRAS (Greece)
Mr. Fabio GALLI (Italy)
Mr. Darius CERKA (Lithuania)
Mr. Tommy KIRTZ (Luxemburg)
Mr. Branislav VLAHOVIC (Malta)
Mr. Joep van IERSEL (The Netherlands)
Ms. Olga NOWAKOWSKA (Poland)
Mr. Henrique GOMES (Portugal)
Mr. Adrian PRICOP (Roumania)
Ms. Marina SHCHERBAKOVA (Russia)
Mr. Tomislav SMUC (Slovenia)
Ms. Bojana BOGICEVIC-DUKIC (Serbia)
Mr. Oguz DEGIRMENCI (Turkey)
The CEV elections will be held on October 16, 2020. We wish the luck to all candidates.
PREVIOUS: Approved Candidature list for the CEV Mandate period 2020-2024 (European Coaches Commission)
NEXT: Approved Candidature list for the CEV Mandate period 2020-2024 (European Financial Commission)