Home » WoV DREAM TEAM: Vote for the best second middle blocker!

WoV DREAM TEAM: Vote for the best second middle blocker!

by WoV

Today is the last day of Round 1 – We present you middle blocker 2! Two players are chasing each other and they will continue race in the next round. But, the question is, who will not advance to the Round 2? Birarelli or Bontje?

Middle blockers 2

Middle blockers 2

Emanuele Birarelli is having a very good season in Trentino. They managed to clinch the first position in regular season of Serie A1 and they took the second place in CEV Cup, after losing the golden set against Dinamo Moscow in finals! Check his stats in this season!

Lucas Saatkamp is one of the leaders in Sesi! His team will fight for the trophy in domestic championship against Sada Cruzeiro. Saatkamp & co. will try to beat the reigning champions, although they don’t have home court advantage. See Lukas’ stats in season 2014/2015.

After three seasons in Jastrzebski’s jersey, Johannes Bontje has decided to change the career destination. Last season, in CEV Champions league, he won the third place and in this season he did the same thing. This time he won the bronze medal in BR Volleys’ jersey. He was elected for the best second middle blocker of the tournament. See his stats in this season.

Karol Klos (stats 2014/2015)is one of the big favorites to take the win in this category! He played at Champions league final four and will try to win the third place in Plusliga as they could play in CL in the next season. Of course, their main goal is domestic cup. He and Mousavi chasing each other.

The Iranian star Seyed Mousavi became the champion of domestic league. He was one of the best on the court and he deserved to win the trophy. His battle with Klos is epic! Browse his stats for season 2012015.


You can still leave your vote in our WoV Poll and choose the best male and female players and Dream Team!

Also, do not forget that you can vote via Facebook and Twitter, by leaving a comment. Every vote on the Social Networks is worth 3 points!


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mina nazari April 12, 2015 - 10:43 am

Seyed Mohammad Mousavi … Luck’s best player ….

Amon April 12, 2015 - 4:39 pm

Podraskanin if he didn’t reach CL Finals this year..

wilk.z.lasu April 12, 2015 - 6:44 pm

the best 2nd middle blocker is Karol Klos. I wish him and the other players good luck : )


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