Home » Official volleyball rules PART 6: Facilities and equipment – balls

Official volleyball rules PART 6: Facilities and equipment – balls

by WoV
source: fivb.org

It is time to talk about balls for volleyball.

referees and balls in volleyball

referees and balls


The ball shall be spherical, made of a flexible leather or synthetic leather case with a bladder inside, made of rubber or a similar material.

Its colour may be a uniform light colour or a combination of colours.

Synthetic leather material and colour combinations of balls used in international official competitions should comply with FIVB standards.

Its circumference is 65-67 cm and its weight is 260-280 g.

Its inside pressure shall be 0.30 to 0.325 kg/cm2 (4.26 to 4.61 psi) (294.3 to 318.82 mbar or hPa).


All balls used in a match must have the same standards regarding circumference, weight, pressure, type, colour, etc.FIVB, World and Official Competitions, as well as National orLeague Championships, must be played with FIVB approvedballs, unless by agreement of FIVB.


For FIVB, World and Official Competitions, five balls shall beused. In this case, six ball retrievers are stationed, one at eachcorner of the free zone and one behind each referee.

PREVIOUS, PART 5: Facilities and equipment – net and posts

NEXT, PART 7:  Participants – teams.


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