Home » Official volleyball rules PART 34: Referees – 2nd referee

Official volleyball rules PART 34: Referees – 2nd referee

by WoV
source: fivb.org; photo: fivb.org

As we already said, in volleyball we have 1st and 2nd referee. Today, we will talk about 2nd referee, about his location, authority and responsibilities.

second referee

second referee


The 2nd referee performs his/her functions standing outside the playing court near the post, on the opposite side of and facing the 1st referee.


24.2.1 The 2nd referee is the assistant of the 1st referee, but has also his/her own range of jurisdiction.

Should the 1st referee become unable to continue his/her work, the 2nd referee may replace him/her.

24.2.2 He/she may, without whistling, also signal faults outside his/her range of jurisdiction, but may not insist on them to the 1st referee.

24.2.3 He/she controls the work of the scorer(s). 

24.2.4 He/she supervises the team members on the team bench and reports their misconduct to the 1st referee.

24.2.5 He/she controls the players in the warm-up areas. 

24.2.6 He/she authorizes the regular game interruptions, controls their duration and rejects improper requests.

24.2.7 He/she controls the number of time-outs and substitutions used by each team and reports the 2nd time-out and 5th and 6th substitutions to the 1st referee and the coach concerned.

24.2.8 In the case of an injury of a player, he/she authorizes an exceptional substitution or grants a 3-minute recovery time.

24.2.9 He/she checks the floor condition, mainly in the front zone. He/she also checks, during the match, that the balls still fulfil the regulations.

24.2.10 He/she supervises the team members in the penalty areas and reports their misconduct to the 1st referee.

For FIVB, World and Official Competitions, the duties recordedunder 24.2.5 and 24.2.10 are carried out by the Reserve Referee.


24.3.1 At the start of each set, at the change of courts in the deciding set and whenever necessary, the 2nd referee checks that the actual positions of the players on the court correspond to those on the line-up sheets.

24.3.2 During the match, he/she decides, whistles and signals: penetration into the opponent’s court, and the space under the net; positional faults of the receiving team; the faulty contact of the player with the net primarily on the blocker’s side and with the antenna on his/her side of the court; the completed block by back row players or the attempted block by the Libero; or the attack hit fault by back row players or by the Libero; the contact of the ball with an outside object; the contact of the ball with the floor when the 1st referee is not in position to see the contact; the ball that crosses the net totally or partly outside of the crossing space to the opponent’s court or contacts the antenna on his/her side of the court.

24.3.3 At the end of the match, he/she checks and signs the score sheet.

PREVIOUS, PART 33: Referees – 1st referee

NEXT, PART 35: Referees – scorer


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