Home » RIO 2016: Major change in volleyball rules!

RIO 2016: Major change in volleyball rules!

by WoV
source: Photo: FIVB

FIVB have decided to make a major change in the volleyball rules which will reduce the overall game-time!



There will be no Technical time-outs during the volleyball matches at the Rio Olympics! The matches will not be stopped at the 8th and 16th point of each set, while the teams will keep the right on calling two 30-sec time-outs and will still be available to ask for a video challenge.

This major change in volleyball rules confirms that the FIVB have started their mission in reducing the overall game-time of a volleyball match. Recall that the FIVB were looking to make volleyball more attractive for TV stations, so they determined that the ideal game-time for a single match would be 1 hour and 45 minutes.

For example the latest World League semifinal between Serbia and Italy lasted for 2 hours and 22 minutes.

What do you think about this new rule? Leave your opinion down in the comments. 


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Martyn July 21, 2016 - 4:31 pm

I would consider going more towards beach volleyball rules. Sets of 21 and a technical timeout at a combination 21 points

Sorin July 21, 2016 - 4:44 pm

It is huge! 🙂 It show what morons lead the world’s volleyball. They will reduce such a 5-set game by 8 minutes! While the idea is good, we frequently see how they disrespect the regulations. For example, where in the rules of volleyball is any reference to the video check??

Axe July 21, 2016 - 5:22 pm

And not only. This is good for start, but many other things should be changed. Ex. lines that stop coaches access the play court. Everybody can walk everywhere when the game is stopped!

dee jae69 July 22, 2016 - 12:36 am

thats cool tho and please don’t have a long break before the 3rd set. i think this is cool and make the video challenge quicker so it wont take time for players and coaches waiting for the result

Jake C. Henn July 22, 2016 - 12:54 am

Right. I spoke with Yasutaka Matsudaira before he died, and he confirmed my own belief: FAST SCORE IS FOR COWARDS. Volleyball was designed as a sport of endurance, and is should be made that way again.

whatswrong July 22, 2016 - 9:17 am

In Italian leagues, there’s only one technical time-out (at 12 pts), and a lot of matches are live-broadcasted.
I’m afraid with too many changes, it would totally denature the game.
A tennis match can last hours, a volley-ball match lasts 2h30 max, then what’s wrong with that???

Selvaraj July 22, 2016 - 12:11 pm

Yes, its good we removed the technical time-out. Even i would say the official timeout can also be taken away because if you see in world games Football or Hockey – there are no time outs instead there are breaks. In volleyball also we have breaks in between sets. Hence at least the official time out can be reduced to ONE for now.

Other suggestion for video challenge:
Why cant we have an ‘illuminating floor’ inside the Outline (may be one foot width) such that
whenever the ball hits the ground (near the line), the floor illuminates at that exact location. By this
way we can avoid most of the LINE umpiring conflicts between the players and the Referee because
nobody exactly knows where the ball actually pitched unless we have a TV replay. Even if we have
video challenge, it is TIME CONSUMING (which increases the overall game time) but this will help us
decide the result quickly without going for a replay.
NOTE: The ILLUMINATION time can be kept just 5 seconds immediately after the ball hits the floor

Silvain D'agostino July 22, 2016 - 4:08 pm

10 minutes less in 5 sets, what a gain!! So ridiculous as always…!!

Ali July 22, 2016 - 4:56 pm

I do think the best solution is reduction in set points to 20 instead of 25.

VolleyMedia July 23, 2016 - 4:19 pm

When will we learn in volleyball that it’s not about time but more about ‘fan base’? You can’t put anything on TV unless you can sell the ads that are broadcast in between plays and during time outs. Programming on TV comes from commercial sales; example the beer ads, food ads, etc. that viewers see when the program goes to a commercial. Interesting fact, poker received its chance for programming by PURCHASING its own commercials. The popularity of the program’s eventually led to Budweiser, online poker and other product ads that targeted the market viewing the programming…thus it’s now a mainstream program on TV! I have discovered there are many volleyball enthusiast who have NO invested interest in growing the game pushing potential fans away because they treat them poorly on the sand courts around the U.S.; why? ‘Because it will bring their game down’! We have to start inviting, not push away our potential fan base so that companies like Budweiser, Corona, Tampax, etc. will be willing to spend some money on commercial air time so that volleyball can have a chance to become a mainstream program on TV.


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