Home » ARG M: Personal Bolivar wins against UPCN

ARG M: Personal Bolivar wins against UPCN

by WoV
source: aclav.com

Personal Bolivar wins against UPCN San Juan 3:1 (29:27, 23:25, 25:19, 25:19). Angel Dennis was the top scorer with 27 points, Evandro Guerra had 26. Guillermo Garcia didn't play because of an injury.


Bolivar – UPCN

The home team started well and was leading (8-6). After that they increased the leas 13-9. However, Evandro Guerra, led his team to 17-16. The Brazilian opposite equalized 18-18 with an ace. The home team managed to close the set 29-27.

UPCN did not give up and went 6-8 up at first technical time-out. Then the lead went to 7-11. Personal caught up and it was 12:12. Again, the game was played point for point, but this time the guests won 23-25.

The home team started the third set furiously 9-2. On the second technical time it was (16-9). Personal Bolivar managed to keep their advantage and win the set 25-19.

It was the same in the fourth, 6-2 after a lengthy point that included repeated defenses. The very good performance of local stretched the advantage to 11-3. UPCN managed to come close (23-19). After that Personal Bolivar scored two points and won the game (25-19).

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