The Province Sport Secretary, Prof. Jorge Wiehoff, opened the meeting pointing out the importance of the creation of the province federation representing all its clubs and teams. First the new Statutes were approved and then the new authorities were named and their Board of Administration now has the following names to work towards their goal of developing volleyball all over the province.
PRESIDENT: Prof. Eduardo Iglesias (Caleta Olivia)
1st VICE-PRESIDENT: Prof. Martín Nogueira (Río Gallegos)
2nd VICE-PRESIDENT: Prof. Fernando Pandolfi (Puerto San Julián)
3rd VICE-PRESIDENT: Prof. Nicolás Cetta (Río Gallegos)
4th VICE-PRESIDENT: Mr. Luis Jofré (Puerto Deseado)
SECRETARY AND TREASURER: Will be named by the President from Caleta Olivia Members:
1st – Mr. Hugo Marín (Río Gallegos)
2nd – Prof. Fabio Ferrari (Puerto Santa Cruz)
3rd – Prof. Luis Condori (El Calafate)
Substitute Members:
1st – Prof. Gustavo Guiñazú (Río Gallegos)
2nd – Prof. Federico Santos (Caleta Olivia)
3rd – Prof. Adrián Arnold (Río Turbio)
According with what was settled at the meeting all Province Volleyball will be develop, organized and trained under the Federation starting March 31st, 2012. The institution will present itself at the Province authorities to become legal as soon as possible.