Home » ARG: Feva recognizes the historicaly known volleyball officials

ARG: Feva recognizes the historicaly known volleyball officials

by WoV
source: feva.org.ar

In the framework of the friendly tour of the Youth's boys tour teams o Argentina and Italy in Buenos Aires province, officials of the historical club in volleyball as Azul Voley were recognized by the Argentine Volleyball Federation and the people of their own city.


Volleyball officials

The ceremony took place the day where the last match in Azul had to be played between Argentina and Italy – the second one – suspended by the bad weather with high humidity at Sagrada Familia Gym. So, instead of the match a social date took place with both teams, city hall authorities and many children of Azul club.

It was a geat date with the Under-Treasurer of FeVA, José María Cuadrillero (official in charge of the development of the friendly tour) together with the present President of Azul Vóley Club, Daniel Castro, gave prizes to the present Roberto Kober and Carlos Castiglione, former Azul Voley Club presidents and still related to volleyball in their historical club.

Azul was the champion of the Argentine League in the season 2000/01, after finishing in the second ranked place on the prior season participating several seasons at the A1 and A2 leagues. Also, the Club keeps holding several Argentine Cups (for grass-root categories) organized by the Argentine Volleyball Federation as a way to keep related to Argentine Volleyball.

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