Oscar Boccalandro
The President of the Argentine Volleyball Federation, Juan Antonio Gutiérrez gave personally its congratulations to the “new” President reconfirming that the FeVA goal is to keep working together with the ACLAV in de development and improvement of Argentine Volleyball. “We will go on working together” confirmed Gutierrez.
At ACLAV HQ, ACLAV officials gathered to carry out their Annual Assembly and naming new authorities.
Boccalandro, Buenos Aires Unidos Council, will be the second President, after Leonardo Carod from Asociación Deportiva Centenario as follows:
President: Oscar Boccalandro (Club Atlético Once Unidos)
1st. Vice-President: Fabián Scoltore (Club Ciudad de Bolívar)
2nd. Vice-President: José Villa (Club UPCN Voley)
Secretary: Pablo Superno (Club Atlético Boca Juniors)
Under-Secretary: Fernando Torrens (Club Social y Deportivo PSM Voley)
Treasurer: Leonardo Carod (Asociación Deportiva Centenario)
Under-Treasurer: Alfredo Dagna (Club Olimpo)
Member 1: César Gabriel Lemos (Club Atlético Sarmiento)
Member 2: Fernando Leguizamón (Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero)
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