Oscar Boccalandro
Boccalandro pointed out his main ideas of the first year as leader of the ACLAV and the management that allowed them to have a “strong relationship with the FeVA”. The reelected President made sure to express: “We will not be able to develop volleyball at ACLAV competitions without the development of all Argentine Volleyball. It is my way to see how we have to handle and work and we agree with the FeVa about the path we are following. The result can already been seen, when we consider what we had and how the new format of the A1 Women League has been organized for the period 2012/13”.
As part of this thoughts, the delegate of Buenos Aires Unidos emphasized the feedback with FeVA authorities: “Since we started we have felt the welcome given to us by the FeVa from our place at their Board of Administration Vice-Presidency and we feel we are part of that Board”. “When they found out we were going out with our management FeVA’s President, General Secretary and Board of Administration reconfirmed the engagement of working together with the idea of improving each from its place Argentine Volleyball”.
For this new period that just starts, Boccalandro believes that “the success of the relationship already started, because to work together is an outstanding start and a sign of future success. The year I took over ACLAV Presidency, all the competitions were already organized and settled and really we had to improve very badly the Women League. The success that today we have 21 teams competing in the second round of the Women League and that we have more teams than last year, making our own criticism, shows that we did not have the competition we wished”.
With reference to the special relationship channels of ACLAV–FeVA, the President of the entity of the most important Argentine Seniors club competitions assured: “With reference to the ACLAV, I believe that the Disciplinary Council, will show the jump we produced for better quality that these competitions and we deserve. With reference to the work done together with FeVA, the new digital pass system is an outstanding advance that also helps the quality of our entity and the work done together between the websites of the FeVA and ACLAV also shows improvement. I am very pleased with the first steps taken in our job together until now are only the first steps on a long-lasting relationship and improvement. My goal is to keep improving and adjusting what needs to be done so as to develop the best way Argentine volleyball”.
Last but not least, Boccalandro underlined: “the Argentine Volleyball movement is enjoying a great moment with all its parts working together, defending what needs to be defended each one from its institution but with an only big goal and that is to improve our loved sport”.
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