Home » BRA W: “Nobody is helping me” said Jaque

BRA W: “Nobody is helping me” said Jaque

by WoV
source: globoesporte.globo.com

Jaqueline de Carvalho Endres is still looking for the club and she complains:

Jaqueline Carvalho Endres


On account of the ranking of CBV, clubs who can pay me, cannot hire me because they already have many players. Nobody is helping me in this” said Jaqueline after landing in Brazil with the bronze medal from the World Championship 2014.

After the match for the third place in Milano, you said that it was your last match in the career:

I do not want to talk about it; I get tired of the whole time talking about the same thing. If I don’t have where to play, I will take care of my son and family. I don’t want to whining, I have to lift my head. I will take what I have, which is a wonderful family and I will cheer for the girls. The life goes.” said Jaqueline for globoesporte.

On the other side Ze Roberto, the Brazilian coach believes that she will for sure find new club:

I believe that some clubs are scrambling to take Jaqueline, I think this week or next, are crucial to her life. We need her because it is very important for the National Team. And, if not, I vow that I will help her in any way”.


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Axe October 15, 2014 - 12:30 pm

What is this, self-promotion article??? Many players don’t have club. SO WHAT? She is not the only one, even if her name is Jaqueline!!! Welcome to the real world, baby!

sherille October 15, 2014 - 4:03 pm

Who cares Jacqueline if u don’t have a team! In the first place u don’t even deserve to be in brasilian national team. I don’t know what ze Roberto sees in you.


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