Murilo Endres
Some choices can be surprising, but they were figured from pure statistic. The only difference was with MVP award, which came into Murillo‘s hands.
Russian spiker Maxim Mikhaylov left all other players far behind with his points and efficiency. He scored 124 points for his team and kept 43.06% of effectiveness. The next in line was Todor Aleksiev: 88 points and 40.49% efficiency, so it was not so close to the new Olympic champion.
Another category easy to judge is block – rewarded Max Gunthor got 17 points in this element. It is exactly the same number as with Russel Holmes, but this time a little difference in the average gains was decisive.
Cristian Savani was a real master of aces in this tournament. He added 20 points this way, when the next in ranking Bartosz Kurek got only 10. However, Maxim Mikhaylov and Sergey Tetyukhin spiked aces more than 10 times, it was all about “average” statistic again.
Full list of rewarded players
Best scorer: Maxim Mikhaylov
Best spiker: Maxim Mikhaylov
Best blocker: Max Gunthor
Best receiver: Krzysztof Ignaczak
Best server: Cristian Savani
Best setter: Georgi Bratoev
Best digger: Teodor Salparov
Best libero: Marcus Steuerwald
MVP: Murilo Endres