Iraklis: Christofidelis 11, Kravarik 9, Prousalis 2, Despaigne Jurquin 16, Smaragdis 8, Pelekoudas 9, Stefanou (L); Bozidis, Tzioumakas
Coach: Drikos
GS Lamia: Maroulis 1, Chatziiliadis 4, Kovac 18, Pantakidis 2, Simeunovic 9, Sfendulakis 3, Gkaras (L); Vlachopoulos
Coach: Andreopoulos
Iraklis was too strong for Lamia that lacked the opposite Curovic, injured in the semifinals.
Thessaloniki for 6. time won the national cup.
In 1. set Iraklis was already 3 points ahead, 11:8. After 2. technical timeout, it made a decisive breakout from 16:14 to 21:15 and finished with 25:21.
In 2. set the team of Drikos made a big gap in result with 12:4 and won with 25:20.
Lamia tried to lower the difference 10:13, but Iraklis responded partially 9:2 and smoothly closed the set with 25:19.
Rolando Despaigne Jurquin was elected MVP of the match, scoring 16 points with 54% in attack and 2 aces.
Cuban spiker, who last year played for Olympiakos, is the first player to win the special award in 2 consecutive years.